Paige Conquers Tennessee's 57 State Parks with the Avenza Maps App

Meet Paige, a passionate adventurer with a heart set on exploring the great outdoors from the rolling hills of Tennessee. Her story is one of discovery, empowerment, and boundless enthusiasm, fueled by her love for nature and her use of the Avenza Maps app in her adventures.

Paige's journey into the world of outdoor exploration began long ago, rooted in her childhood fascination with the beauty of the natural world. As she grew older, her love for adventure only deepened, leading her to seek out new trails, hidden gems, and breathtaking vistas across the Tennessee landscape.

Tennessee State Parks Challenge with The Avenza Maps App

A pivotal moment in Paige's outdoor odyssey came when her brother introduced her to the Avenza Maps app during a visit. With its wealth of trail maps and offline functionality, Paige found a valuable tool that would accompany her on countless adventures to come.

In 2023, Paige embarked on a bold challenge: to visit and hike in all 57 Tennessee State Parks as part of the "Girls Who Hike Tennessee" community. Armed with determination and the Avenza Maps app, she and her husband set out to explore Tennessee's diverse landscapes and natural wonders. From the enchanting trails of Pickett CCC Memorial State Park to the serene beauty of Reelfoot Lake State Park and the majestic waterfalls of Fall Creek Falls State Park, each destination holds a special place in her heart. 

The discovery of the Avenza app's extensive collection of Tennessee State Park maps proved to be a game-changer for Paige's adventure. With the ability to download maps offline, Paige could confidently navigate even the most remote parks without worrying about cell signals. This newfound convenience not only eased the logistical aspects of her challenge but also empowered her to explore with greater confidence and peace of mind.

Paige’s Adventure Companion - Avenza Maps App

Paige's favourite feature of the Avenza Maps app is its offline functionality, allowing her to navigate unfamiliar terrain easily and precisely, regardless of cell signal availability. Incorporating the app into her daily outdoor activities became second nature, as she only embarked on a hike with consulting the wealth of trail maps available at her fingertips.

Looking ahead to 2024, Paige is gearing up for a new adventure: the Platinum Challenge with Girls Who Hike Tennessee. With goals to hike, bike, and paddle 40 miles each throughout the year, Paige will again rely on the Avenza Maps app to discover new trails, plan her routes, and ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.

As Paige continues to blaze trails, conquer challenges, and embrace the beauty of the great outdoors, her story inspires all who dare to explore and discover the wonders of the world around them. With Avenza Maps as her trusted companion, the possibilities for adventure are endless, and Paige's journey is far from over. Follow Paige’s adventures and more insights into her upcoming conquests. Learn more about OSM Basemaps with the Avenza Maps App as you head out on your summer expeditions.

Download The Avenza Maps App

If you're seeking thrilling outdoor adventures like Paige, dive into the Avenza Maps app and navigate with confidence. Explore the wide range of features suitable for all your outdoor adventurous needs and select from over 1,000,000 offline maps to choose your next spectacular destination.

Download Avenza Maps, the #1 app for hiking, biking and all trails and enjoy an organized and hassle-free adventure.